Class Dojo & Classroom Management

Encouraging Positve Behaviour with Class Dojo

by Elizabeth Birch


 What is it?

Class Dojo is a website/App that helps teachers improve behavior in their classrooms quickly and easily. It captures and generates data on behavior viewable to students and teachers that will help with developing intrinsic motivation and positive behaviour over time.

How does it work?

You can instantly reinforce positive behaviour in real time with one tap on the iPad. Students will receive instant notifications (‘Well done Amna! +1 for handing in your essay on time!’)  You can customize which behaviours you reward your students.  That means that you could particularly focus on problem areas your students are having and reinforce positive behaviour when they do well in this area. You and your students will instantly be able to view behavior-tracking analytics and reports.

How you could I use this with my class?

1. First you will need to create a teacher account by going to the Classroom Dojo Website.

2. Then you will need to create a class.

3. Add your students names. If you use classroom groups with your class you may just want to list your group names instead of individual student names.  Whichever team has the most points in 5 or so weeks could get a small prize or certificate.  An easy and great way to keep track of group points

4. Edit the behaviours you wish to reinforce. For example:100% in Daily Spelling tests, not speaking arabic in class, finishing homework on time etc.

5. Then start your class. Tap on the students name when they have done any of the positive behaviours which you have outlined.  You can also take away points negative behaviour. For example using their cellphones or playing a game on their ipads.  (Hint: It would be useful to have this app open on your iPad, iPhone, or other Smartphone at all times so you can quickly reward points and give feedback.)  By having your screen projected on to the iPad, you will also increase motivation.

6. Students will be able to view how they are doing by downloading the Classroom Dojo App and signing in with their unique ‘secret code’ which you will be able to print out when you are logged on to your teacher account.  Students will then be able to see how they are going compared to their classmates, view feedback and most importantly they can customize their avatar 🙂

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Posted in Class Dojo, Nearpod, Training

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